Arunkumar Kannan

I am a first second third-year PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University working with Prof. Brian Caffo. My research interests focus on the integration of deep learning algorithms with statistical models to provide insights into black-box predictions, particularly in the context of analyzing structural and functional brain imaging data. Additionally, I have a keen interest in exploring generative models like diffusion models in the context of medical imaging applications, where these models hold potential for generating counterfactual data, which is highly valuable in scenarios with limited available data.

Prior to joining Hopkins, I received my master's degree from the School of Biomedical Engineering in University of British Columbia, Vancouver, where I worked at Biomedical Signal and Image Computing Laboratory (BiSICL) with Prof. Rafeef Garbi. At BiSICL, I worked on applying deep learning models for automating the diagnosis and management of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), specifically proposing novel diagnostic frameworks that provide model uncertainty measure to clinicians to promote confidence over the predicted DDH metrics. I received my bachelor's degree (with distinction) in Biomedical Engineering from the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Anna University, India, with a focus on biomedical signal processing and biostatistics.

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I'm interested in exploring diffusion models for medical imaging applications, ML explainability, and high-dimensional feature representation learning frameworks, with its applications to structural and functional brain connectomics data.

gamma_face GAMMA-FACE: GAussian Mixture Models Amend Diffusion Models for Bias Mitigation in Face Images
Basudha Pal*, Arunkumar Kannan*, Ram Prabhakar Kathirvel, Alice J. O'Toole, Rama Chellappa
ECCV, 2024

GAMMA-FACE introduces a novel approach to address bias amplification in face-generative diffusion models using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). By leveraging GMMs, we disentangle facial attributes and localize the means within the latent space of the diffusion model, effectively reducing bias on-the-fly without the need for retraining..

gam - structure function GAMing the Brain: Investigating the Cross-modal Relationships between Functional Connectivity and Structural Features using Generalized Additive Models
Arunkumar Kannan, Brian Caffo, Archana Venkataraman
MICCAI Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging workshop, 2024

Project (Coming soon) | Code (Coming Soon)

We introduce a novel and easily implemented analysis approach aimed at explaining the variation in functional connectivity of the brain by integrating important structural factors such as anatomical morphology summaries, voxel intensity, diffusion-weighted information, and geographic distance.

bias - diffusion model Gaussian Harmony: Attaining Fairness in Diffusion-based Face Generation Models
Basudha Pal*, Arunkumar Kannan*, Ram Prabhakar Kathirvel, Alice J. O'Toole, Rama Chellappa
arXiv, 2023

Gaussian Harmony introduces a novel approach to addressing bias amplification in diffusion models for face generation by balancing facial attributes through the localization of attribute means in the latent space using Gaussian mixture models.

uncertainty segmentation - ddh Leveraging Voxel-wise Segmentation Uncertainty to Improve Reliability in Assessment of Paediatric Dysplasia of the Hip
Arunkumar Kannan, Antony Hodgson, Kishore Mulpuri, Rafeef Garbi
International Conference on Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), 2021

We proposed a technique to quantify confidence in the segmentation process that incorporates voxel-wise uncertainty into the binary loss function used in the training regime of a deep neural network, which encourages the network to concenterate its training effort on its least certain predictions.

uncertainty metric - ddh Uncertainty Estimation for Assessment of 3D US Scan Adequacy and DDH Metric Reliability
Arunkumar Kannan, Antony Hodgson, Kishore Mulpuri, Rafeef Garbi
Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (UNSURE) workshop, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020

We proposed interpretable uncertainty measures that can simultaneously measure bone segmentation reliability and quantify scan adequacy in clinical DDH assessment from 3D Ultrasound.

undergrad Index of Theta/Alpha Ratio to Quantify Visual-Spatial Attention in Dyslexics Using Electroencephalogram
Pavithran Pattiam Giriprakash, Arunkumar Kannan, Guhan Seshadri N P, Mahesh Veezhinathan, Geethanjali Balasubramanian
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, 2019
jhuece Graduate Teaching Assistant, EN.520.633 - Medical Image Analysis, Spring 2024

Graduate Teaching Assistant, EN.520.651 - Random Signal Analysis, Fall 2023
ubcece Graduate Teaching Assistant, ELEC221 - Signals and Systems, Spring 2021

Graduate Teaching Assistant, ELEC421 - Digital Signal and Image Processing, Fall 2020

Graduate Academic Assistant, ELEC421 - Digital Signal and Image Processing, Summer 2020

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